Use General preferences to enter settings that control the general appearance of the Dreamweaver user interface.
To change these preferences, choose Edit > Preferences, and then click General.
Color Scheme specifies the colors of Dreamweaver interface elements. The options are Dreamweaver, System Two-Tone, and Standard.
Use Large Fonts switches the system to display large fonts for all system text elements, including menu commands, dialog box options, and so on. You must restart Dreamweaver for this change take affect.
Show Launcher in Status Bar makes Dreamweaver display the Launcher buttons at the bottom of the Document window that launch windows, palettes, and inspectors.
Show Dialog When Inserting Objects determines if Dreamweaver prompts you to enter additional information when inserting images, tables, and Shockwave movies with the Object palette. If this option is off, the dialog box does not appear and you must use the Property inspector to specify the source file for images, the number of rows in a table, and so on.
Faster Table Editing (Deferred Update) makes typing in tables faster by deferring some adjustment of column widths and row heights until you click outside the table.
Open Files in New Window (Windows only) makes it easier to open several documents at once. When this option is off, files open in the current window, replacing the current document. Files always open in a new window on the Macintosh.
Correct Relative Links on Save automatically updates document-relative paths for images and links if you save your file to a different directory.
Dictionary lists the dictionaries available in the Configuration/Dictionary folder inside the Dreamweaver application folder. If a dictionary contains multiple dialects or spelling conventions (for example, UK English and US English), they are listed separately in the Dictionary pop-up menu.